For a Bright and Sustainable Future

Sweden is in the midst of a revolutionary change. Worrying symptoms of a planet in imbalance, conflict and instability are driving profound changes in several areas of our society. The electricity system is no exception. An efficient and well-functioning electricity supply is absolutely crucial for Sweden's continued development and also a prerequisite for the climate transition.

Who does what in the electricity market

So what will the work look like? First of all, we need to explain who does what in the electricity market.

We lay the foundation for the future

A modern electricity system is a cornerstone of society and also contributes to competitiveness, stability and faith in the future. Ellevio is one of Sweden's largest energy companies with almost one million customers in central Sweden. Through smart infrastructure for energy, we lay the foundation for the growing society and enable the transition to a fossil-free future. The reliability of our electricity networks is as much as 99.99 percent.

Having access to electricity may seem obvious to everyone who lives in Sweden. But the electricity grid does not take care of itself. And the world around us is changing. Extensive investments and innovations are required to ensure that electricity continues to flow to where it needs to be when it is needed.

The electricity grids give life to both the basics and the details of life; warm, connected homes; restaurant visits and movie nights; workplaces and schools; charged bicycles and phones; factories and data centers; trams, metro and trains that take us to loved ones.

Our solutions reduce society's footprint

Ellevio has an important role in the journey towards a sustainable, modern society that can grow and develop independently of fossil fuels. When we replace oil, coal and gas with electricity, we reduce both the climate footprint and the exposure to external events. But we are in a hurry. The transition to fossil-free energy must accelerate, and one of the key elements is electrification.

Industry and the transport sector have chosen a path – fossil fuels are to be replaced with electricity. This will more than double electricity use by 2045. This is a positive but challenging development. To realise the expectations of reliable access to clean electricity, major investments in sustainable energy systems are required. A robust electricity supply infrastructure is the very hub of the transition. Building electricity grids that can meet the needs is crucial if we are to succeed. As one of Sweden's largest electricity network companies, Ellevio has a leading role in this.

En man som laddar sin elbil
Through the Energy Solutions business area, we help companies transition to an electrified, fossil-free business.

New solutions to support our customers in the energy transition

When society changes, so do we. We develop our electricity grids into the sustainable energy system of the future through renewal, capacity strengthening, digitalisation and new flexible solutions. This is how we lay the foundation for the continued growth and prosperity of our customers and the entire country.

But that is not enough. To support our customers in the energy transition, we are also investing in new services, solutions, collaborations and initiatives. We find ways to connect more renewable electricity production, make it attractive to be flexible with electricity use, enable electrification of transport and use the data we collect to develop new services to simplify and create value for customers in their everyday lives.

Through Ellevio Energy Solutions, which is part of the Ellevio Group, we help companies that depend on an electrical plant to run their business, and who want to switch to an electrified, fossil-free business. Ellevio Energy Solutions designs, builds, operates and owns electrical facilities, energy storage and charging solutions for customers – over time. Since we take over responsibility for the entire facility, we make sure that it is updated and optimized in the best way, which benefits both customers – and the climate.

What we do is about wires, switchgear, energy solutions, digital services. What we deliver is quality of life, competitiveness, jobs, new businesses and opportunities in both cities and sparsely populated areas. Our solutions reduce society's footprint on the climate.

We succeed together

We have always been an integral part of Sweden's development and we will continue to be so. In everything we do, we are driven by the goal of making Sweden the world's best electrified country. Our values are about reliability, commitment and development, and form the basis of how we act. We have the drive, knowledge and openness to bring customers and other stakeholders on our journey.

We have made up our minds. Together with our customers, we are electrifying Sweden. For a bright and sustainable future.

Information from Ellevio AB, 

updated on 7 June 2024

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