Key Financials

Ellevio AB (publ) is a Swedish limited liability company whose registered office is in Stockholm. We are one of Sweden's largest electricity network companies with close to one million customers.

The company is a fully regulated company operating in Sweden, an AAA/Aaa/AAA rated sovereign. It is owned by OMERS Infrastructure (50 percent), the Swedish Third National Pension Fund (20 percent), Folksam (17.5 percent) and AMF (12.5 percent).

Ellevio’s close to one million customers are spread across the west coast of Sweden, mid-Sweden and the Stockholm area, with the majority of customers in Stockholm.

Key financials January–December 2023

  • Net sales amounted to SEK 8,231 million (7,535).
  • Distributed electricity amounted to a total of 24.2 TWh (25.0).

  • Operating profit amounted to SEK 2,694 million (2,085).

  • Free cash flow totalled SEK 1,383 million (1,549).

  • Capital expenditure including asset acquisitions, amounted
    to SEK 3,663 million (3,345).

For more information, download Year-end Report 2023.

Year-end Report 2023

The Year-end Report comments on important aspects of Ellevio’s operations during the year, including the recent development of the regulatory framework. The report is available under Financial Reports and Documents.

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Information from Ellevio AB, 

updated on 16 April 2024

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