
Ellevio’s objective is to minimise the long term cost of capital and maximize the value of the company while ensuring access to debt financing at all times.

Debt philosophy

For its secured debt (Class A), the company targets to maintain a financial risk profile that is consistent with Investment Grade Rating (minimum BBB-/Baa3) at all times.

Debt should be diversified in terms of duration, counterparts, markets and instruments used, and structured in such a way that Ellevio’s business plan and long-term targets can be met.

Low yielding cash positions should be minimized and excess cash used for interest payment under shareholder loans and or dividend distribution. However, Ellevio shall always have access to a Liquidity Reserve consisting of cash, short term bank deposits and undrawn committed bank lines maturing beyond the next 12 months, to meet its short term capital needs.

Public bonds issued

NotesAmount MaturityReference %ISIN-number
FIX*SEK 4,000,000,00012 Feb 20252.88XS1768718576
FLOSEK 650,000,00011 Jun 2027Stibor 3MXS2178807893
FLO**SEK 350,000,00011 Jun 2027Stibor 3MXS2219653453
FIXSEK 1,000,000,00011 Jun 20271.73XS2187708198
FIXSEK 3,000,000,000 01 Jun 2029 4.53 XS2630500887
FIXSEK 1,450,000,00016 Jan 20324.23 XS2748854242
FLOSEK 1,550,000,00016 Jan 2032Stibor 3MXS2748854671
FIXEUR 500,000,00007 Mah 2034 4.125 XS2777383840

* Class B
** To be included in security XS2187707893

Financing structure

Financing structure

External debt

External debt

MSEK 40,597, Class A and B

Debt maturity profile

Debt maturity profile

Interest maturity profile

Interest maturity profile

Data in diagrams refer to December 31, 2023.

Information from Ellevio AB, 

updated on 16 April 2024

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